


WALLPAPERIA.com runs a community based website. All published contents on our website is uploaded by users. We also collect images from different sources that offer free images and free wallpapers. Every effort is made to ensure that all shared contents on our website is royalty free image and free to share. However, if you feel there’s any images that do not comply with royalty free or free to use public policy, please inform us. 

All images used on WALLPAPERIA.com are protected by copyrights to their respective creators. Whenever, you feel need to use any image for any particular purpose, please make sure to take prior permission from the original creator(s) of the image.

If you feel we have mistakenly used one of your images on our website that should not be there. Please inform us about that image by providing the following detail: Image Title, Image URL and Your cause of concern. You can send it from our contact page, and our team will promptly respond to your request.

How Can We Help?

Contact us with any questions​ about our images and services.

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